Claiming Your Powerful Voice


Key topics we will be covering:

  • Having a Compelling Presence, even on Zoom

  • Rebooting your communication skills

  • Practical Tips on Taming your Anxiety

  • Why it is important to know your audience

  • Differences between speaking to different age groups (Baby Boomers vs Millenials vs Zoomers)

  • What to Do when you Bomb on Stage? Plan on it… It will Happen

  •  Humor, Is your magic wand.

“I have experienced Polly Bauer in many venues. She is always prepared, energetic, engaging and entertaining. You don’t listen to Polly, you experience Polly.
She is polished and professional, a true gem of a keynote speaker.”

-Charles Wright, MD,
Medical Director LifeLink of Florida

“Polly Bauer is a masterful communicator. Any organization serious about retaining and growing their people, need to hear her secrets.”


-Bill Gove, Past PresidentNational Speakers Association


“Polly begins to ignite the audience from the moment she steps on the podium. She keeps everyone’s attention and wraps up on a high note. Her speech was definitely the talk of the conference.”


-Edmund J. Oman
TreasurerWest Coast Floral Association


“As the keynote speaker at the Direct Response Forum event, Polly was vibrant, enlightening and very entertaining. She passed on key information, made a dry topic fun, and left us feeling good. We got so much more out of the event as a result. I enthusiastically recommend Polly to any organization wanting a great keynote speaker.”

-Scott Adams
CEO, FraudDeflect

“There’s something quite magical about Polly. Before she even gets up on stage she raises the energy in the room simply by her presence alone. It’s difficult to find speakers who know how to challenge, inspire, and connect with an audience in such a way that they walk away inspired to be better. Polly Bauer has that combination of professionalism. If you are considering Polly for your keynote presentation, stop considering, start calling. Call her immediately and get her before someone else does!”
-Dr. Topher Morrison
Topher Morrison Inc.

Lessons Learned in Claiming Your Powerful Voice:

1. Why confident presentation skills are the Number #1 factor to success.

2. How fear of speaking can be your greatest motivator.

3. How to speak to an audience that doesn’t want to be there.

4.  The Zen of Public Speaking … Elbow Grease

5.  Learn the art of mastering a speech and having fun with an audience when called on at the last minute.

6.  Engagement and interaction .. two of your best friends on stage

7.  Do you have a unique message .. find your niche and master the craft

8.  How to structure your speaking to keep an Audience’s attention.

9. How not to panic when called on to speak to an audience at the last minute


Class Presenter:


Polly Bauer:
Polly Bauer is an internationally recognized keynote speaker.  She has spoken all over the United States and the world including Paris, Prauge, and even Singapore.  She is a Best Selling Author, Certified Professional Corporate Speaker,  Master Prosperity Teacher , and Past President and CEO of The Home Shopping Network Credit Corporation where she managed a $960 million dollar portfolio for a billion dollar company.   Polly is dedicated to sharing her passion for speaking with others who want to improve their skills.

Next class starts: Saturday Jan. 27th, 2024 (email

Class format:  Polly teaches each session over a 9 week period on Zoom.
Classes last one hour and meets once per week.  

Do you have any questions about the class?  Contact Polly at or (727) 410-9813